“Those without a sense of entitlement shall inherit the earth.” That’s what he said. Well, that wasn’t his only interpretation, but it was there, amongst a variety of illustrations on the nature of meekness.
That brought me up short. Meekness – yes. Meekness is good. But to consciously deny my own rights? My rights! That was something else.
But here he was, saying that it wasn’t something else at all. That meekness involved forgetting one’s own rights. That my “sense of entitlement,” as a wife, as a woman, as a member of society – that had to go.
He did qualify it. “I’m not saying that there can be no communication and talking over of things.” But at its root, he assured us, meekness meant understanding how worthless we are, in ourselves, apart from God.
I don’t know about you, but in my head, I think that I have a right to say that about him, to slice and dice that nasty person with my words. Don’t you see what s/he did? I have a right to expect my husband to do certain things for me, and I certainly have a right to make like a popsicle if he ignores my needs, the insensitive clod. I have a right to get angry at people who toss McDonald’s wrappers in the ditch on *my* property. To feel bitterness towards them as I trudge along with my garbage bag, cleaning up someone else’s stinking mess.
I have a right to that first kiss, when Kevin comes home.
To be thanked, for my time and energy spent in making that meal.
To receive courteous service at the bank and grocery store.
It’s only fair.
Let’s think about fairness for a moment. When Jesus Christ died because I sinned against God, was that fair?
When I consider that, my perspective changes. How can I insist on getting my ‘rights,’ when Jesus put everything He was rightfully entitled to aside, choosing mercy and love instead?
And how can I do just the opposite, insisting on my rights at the expense of mercy and love? Now *that* wouldn’t be fair.
Inheriting the earth aside, the sense of entitlement needs to go!
And what a nice bonus that is; inheriting the earth. It’s very encouraging, as I carry on in meekness, even when those McD wrappers pile up and the first kiss goes to the baby.